Versione Italiana
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Antarctic Meteo-Climatological Observatory

About us

The Italian Antarctic Meteo-Climatological Observatory (IAMCO) is a project funded by the italian National Programme of Antarctic Research and managed by staff of the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA).
The Observatory aims to contribute to the understanding of climate change through the observation of the atmospheric dynamics over the Antarctic continent and its variations on different time scales.
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Mario Zucchelli Station
Concordia Station

Where we are

The Observatory staff is present in the Italian coastal station Mario Zucchelli during the austral summer and in the French-Italian inland station Concordia, at 3230 m on the Plateau, throughout the year.

Note the difference in temperature between the two stations and display real-time data of our weather stations!

Visualizza i dati meteo in tempo reale di tutte le nostre stazioni!