The Italian Antarctic Meteo-Climatological Observatory (IAMCO) is a project funded by the italian National Programme of Antarctic Research and managed by staff of the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA).
The Observatory aims to contribute to the understanding of climate change through the observation of the atmospheric dynamics over the
Antarctic continent and its variations on different time scales.
The Observatory manages a network of several Automatic Weather Stations (AWS) located at the two Stations (MZS and Concordia), in the Victoria Land and in the Eastern sector of the Antarctic Plateau. Measurements collected constitute a long-term database of the Antarctic meteorological conditions available for scientific studies. The Observatory integrates its activities in collaboration with other countries operating in Antarctica in order to improve the spatial and temporal information of the weather conditions and climate variability over such a vast territory. Through part of the installed instrumentation, the Observatory also provides support for logistical operations during the period of the Italian scientific expedition.